Tuesday 5 April 2011

The day technology got the better of us

So after a lot of deliberation, today deco became a member of the 21st century. Yes we did what many people already have done, or swear they will never do, yep we got an IPhone! So in light of this from today expect more posts about everything we are doing, and also links to items we will now start listing on eBay. Stage 2 begins now!

Friday 1 April 2011

Formal Friday

So our very special friend DandyManCan http://dandymancan.blogspot.com/ has been bringing about a positive change to a terrible age old tradition of dressing down on a friday, and we are fully behind him!

Why on one day of the week, our gateway to the weekend, would you wish to don some drab casual clothes, when you could be making a fantastic clothes statement? Friday from now on should be a day when a gent can adorn himself in his best wears, be them vintage or not, to bring back some classic well dressed, man about town styling! Whether it means a simple shirt and bowtie, or a full blown beautifully cut tweed suit, nows your chance to bring smart style back on friday. Become a member of the revolution here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Formal-Friday-In-Britain/138912136164463?sk=info

Lovely students at BU made us a little video!


This months events for vintage lovers

So sorry we have been a bit quiet lately! But as promised here's some of the fantastic vintage inspired events going on in our area this month...

First on the bill we are please to announce the opening night of a new vintage shop in the area, What Alice Found have a peek here! http://www.whatalicefound.co.uk/. We are very excited to see what our new neighbour looks like inside, may end up spending some monies! Wishing you all the best guys!

Ok so second on the agenda is one of bournemouth premier events if you love getting your best vintage  garments on and freaking out! Dollyrocker Club, here's a little bit about 'em
 "If you've not been present at one of our happenings yet, Dollyrocker club is a monthly event dedicated to wild and freaky sounds from the 50s onwards with smatterings of psychedelic sunshine and soul thrown in to prevent any dance-floor nervous breakdowns!

You can expect flipped-out DJ's spinning choice vinyl, eye-popping decor, a mind-bending light show, kitsch cinema, dressing up insanity, gnomes and good vibes all under one technicolour roof....

For a taster of what we get up to, check out the promo video the lovely Louis (Barejokes) has knocked up for us

£3 on the door, 9 til late"

It's been one of our fave's for a long time, and we were there in the early days loving every minute, our very own Stuart Alexander was known to appear on the decks on the odd occasion too. 
So get on down to The Winchester pub tonight, if you are prepared to dance till your legs fall off! (we hope no actual injury occours, as this would probably ruin the cut of a wonderful suit or pretty dress) a little more info here http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168496633203131

Ok so next up with have the massive Battistinis Retro Revival expect an exquisite evening of true yesteryear 1950's glamour, music and dance! Do we really need to say more?? Oh we do.. well here's a little blurb from them 

"Battistinis Retro Revival Kitty Kat Club Dance Extravaganza . . .

Oh yes its true, The Kitty Kat Kittens are back with us making a ‘Retro Revival’ that you simply WILL NOT want to miss out on!!!! With brand new routines, brand new costumes and plenty of tease this one of our most anticipated Retro Revivals yet!!!!!

Live music played throughout the evening from "The Ace Trio" (Rockabilly) alongside Rock 'n' Roll DJ "VERNON" who will be spinning the discs in between acts to keep you dancin' the night away!!!"

Theres more info here http://battistinis.eventbrite.com/

After this we have a change of scene to the world of Post Punk and New Wave, so a darker more sinister wardrobe is needed. If you love the music of Joy Division, but to name one artist, then you must attend Shiver & Shake Club at Sixty Million Postcards. 
Here's some blurb from the S&SC guys..
"Pain & Pleasure
Love & Hate
Shiver & Shake

Challenge and appease your auditory senses with the best in

Proto-punk // Progressive // Post-punk // Gothic // New wave // No wave // Experimental // Industrial // Electronic // Noise


Light Experiments, Projections and New Wave Cinema."

...all this for free! Wednesday 13th April

And Finally
 We have our very own little party for your diaries Deco Disco at Sixty Million Postcards

"Bored of Indie?

Tired of Electro?

Done with Dubstep?

Then DECO DISCO is the answer to your prayers.

Wanna freak out to the Rolling Stones, or do the jerk to James Brown?

Then every 3rd friday of the month, get your best vintage attire on and get your chelsea boots to the dancefloor!

Plus the best dressed folk get sweet vouchers to spend in Deco's vintage clothing store!

Expect a mix of: Soul / Pop / Blues / Rock / Garage / Motown."

We hope to see you all there in your finery, jerking and twisting the night away!

Ok so I think we are there for this month! If we have missed anything that you think we should shout about then please let us know! We didn't miss you out on purpose!